source from: Video: 50 common game camera mistakes -- and how to fix them
- #地雷17 : Not cutting when the avatar passes through opaque areas. 不要中斷玩家穿越不透明區域
- Avatar collision USUALLY protects line-of-sight from the front. 玩家碰撞通常會從前面保護視覺動線。
- But opaque thing aren't always solid.但不透明物體不一定是固態
- Only one option left: cut 只有一個選擇 : 切鏡
- #地雷18 : Letting cuts remap directional controls. 讓切鏡重新布局方向的控制
- Pressing the directional stick upward means go forward.按住方向桿往前,意思就是往前走
- But the camera decides which direction is forward.不過攝影機才是決定那個方向前進。
- Players adapt when forward rotates smoothly, but it's impossible to teleport your thumb when a camera cuts.前進平順旋轉,玩家會適應,不過攝影機切鏡,玩家不可能瞬間移動自己的拇指(他們不會迅速做出反應)
- Give the player a moment to get used to the new angle before requiring new input.在新的遊戲內容來臨前,讓玩家有時間去習慣新的角度。(讓他們先在一個不會受到攻擊的地方適應)
- #地雷19 : Breaking the player's sense of direction. 破壞玩家方向感。
- Cuts are common in cinema, but players need to be able to navigate.在電影中,切鏡是很普遍,但需要指引玩家。
- Players navigate with a combination of landmarks and dead reckoning. Cuts break the latter.玩家用地標和航位推測組合推測方向,但切鏡會破壞這一切。
- Cut sparingly.有節制的切鏡。
- If the camera must cut, avoid changing the angle more than 90 degrees, and try to keep landmarks in view.攝影機一定要被切鏡,避免改變角度超過90度,並且保持地標在鏡頭內。
- #地雷20: Violating the 180 degree rule. 違反180度原則
- well-know in cinema, the 180 degree rule is less important to game because it only matter during cuts.這在電影裡眾所皆知,但對遊戲而言,180度規則只是幾個cut。
- But it still applies to cutscenes!但它還是會是用在過場動畫!!
- Align the game camera with the end of a cutscene and transition smoothly to the game camera to preserve sense of direction.對齊過場動畫結束的遊戲攝影機,並順暢地切換成遊戲攝影機,這之間要保持場景方向。
- #地雷21:Focusing only on the avatar.只對焦玩家角色
- The avatar is not an island! 玩家角色不是島嶼!
- Player need to see where they're going, and it's the camera's job to show them.玩家需要看到他們該去的地方,這也是攝影機的任務,指引玩家。
- #地雷22:Relying on players to control the camera all the time.隨時讓玩家操控攝影機
- For many players, controlling an avatar and a camera at the same time is like patting their head and rubbing their belly.對許多玩家,同時控制角色和攝影機,就像是拍拍他們的頭,和對他們肚子搔癢(不能提升遊玩體驗,他舉的例子就是玩家把攝影機移動,像是喝醉的人,攝影機應該給玩家看最好的角度)
- Even players who are good at it use jerky motion.即便玩家擅長穩定手震鏡頭
- There are many tricks to point the camera in the right direction automatically.有很多技巧可以自動指引攝影機到對的方向。
- #地雷23:Leaving camera yaw alone while player is running. 玩家在奔跑時,只留攝影機Y軸旋轉
- Player usually want to look in the same direction that they're running in.玩家在奔跑中,通常想看同一個方向。
- The simplest way to guide players is to shoe them where they're already going. The camera should drift behind moving players.最簡易指引玩家的方法,就是朝他們行進的方向拍攝。
- It's like giving the directional stick two functions, but don't keep turning when the avatar runs into a wall. 有點像給方向桿兩個功能,但遇到牆,要讓攝影機換鏡位,別讓玩家認為可以繼續往前走。
- #地雷24:Making it hard to judge distances.很難判斷攝影機距離
- The game may be 3D, but the screen is 2D.遊戲是3D的,但螢幕是2D
- Depth perception is weak.空間深度會感受較薄弱
- Distances are easiest to judge when they align with the plane of the screen.玩家與螢幕平面如果是對齊的,距離容易判斷。
- Side views are good for vertical navigation. 側視圖容易判斷垂直導航移動距離
- Top views are good for horizontal navigation. 上視圖容易判斷水平導航移動距離
- #地雷25:Looking straight ahead as the avatar approaches a cliff.攝影機筆直前進,就像玩家接近懸崖。
- Use raycasts to determine the elevation ahead and detect drops.使用raycasts決定勢能頭和偵測落下。
- Tilt to an overhead view to show how far the avatar is from the edge, and to allow the player to see below. 傾斜俯瞰視角,可以呈現玩家距離邊界有多遠,允許玩家看到邊界下方。
- Lifting the camera over the avatar keeps it from hitting the ground in case the avatar suddenly drops down.攝影機升過玩家角色,讓它不要碰撞到地面,像是玩家突然掉落某個地方,攝影機就該高於角色。(可以幫助玩家看到底部)
- #地雷26:Keeping the camera level when the avatar is running on a slope.角色在坡度上跑,要保持攝影機高度
- A straight-ahead view feels like an overhead view when climbing a slope. Align the camera with the slope.爬坡時,直線視線感覺會像俯瞰視角,攝影機是沿著坡度移動
- The slope immediately under the avatar's feet may be bumpy. Use raycasts to determine average to determine average slope.玩家在爬坡,有可能會崎嶇,使用raycasts 決定平均坡度。
- It's easy for raycasts to mistake a short wall for an upward hill. Distinguish with surface normals.Raycasts 很容易對山丘上的短邊牆產生錯誤,使用表面法向區分出來。
- #地雷27: Misusing the "Rule of thirds".誤用「三分構圖法」
- Framing thing off-center can be pleasant.景框的物體沒有在中心是可以被接受。
- But don't pivot in-place!但是不要把軸心放在非中心位置。
- Instead,Slide sideways to frame the avatar.而是鏡頭的位置往側邊滑動,去框住玩家。
- But players use the center of the screen to aim the directional stick.但玩家是使用螢幕中心去對準手把的方向桿(換句話說,玩家認為螢幕中心就是手把中心)
- Shadow of the Colossus only works because it has a "gas pedal".這種角色位置非在畫面中心,只有汪達與巨像可以這麼作,因為它只有一個"油門踏板"(它只需要轉動攝影機,並角色是自動移動)。
- #地雷28: Using the same Logic for ground and air motion.對地面和空中,都使用相同邏輯
- Players need to make different judgements depending on their form of transport. The camera should adapt. 玩家依據他們的形式改變,要做出不一樣的判斷,攝影機也應該要調整。
- When jumping or flying, players want to see where they'll land. Look downward.當跳躍或飛行,玩家玩家會想看他們要在何處降落。會往下看。
- Short hops might not require any change. Modulate rule changes by the avatar's height above ground.短距離跳躍可能不會差太多,藉由玩家離地面的高度,調整規則。
- 地雷#29 : Relying entirely on procedural camera behaviors.完全依靠程序化攝影機的運動
- Raycasts can only convey boundaries. They don't indicate value.只能傳遞邊界範圍,它們不能偵測體積。
- As designers we have a better idea of what's important.我們身為設計師,「什麼是最重要」才是更佳點子(重要的東西才要讓攝影機看到)
- For special cases, use scripted "hints" to point yaw or pitch at a target.特別的例子(小場景),撰寫"Hints"(程式用語)去使用yaw or pitch指出目標物。
- 地雷#30 : Letting players make themselves lost and confused.讓玩家自己迷路和混亂
- Detect whether the player has started backtracking a significant distance or veering away from targets.偵測不論玩家是否已經開始回到明顯的距離或遠離目標。(普遍做法:在雷達上放方向錯誤訊息,但作者覺得這太明顯)
- Gently rotate the camera to guide the player back.巧妙地旋轉攝影機指引玩家回到目標路上(作者推薦)
- Explicitly telling the player where to go robs them of the sense of discovery.清楚明白告訴玩家
- 地雷#31 : Rotating to look at nearby targets. 旋轉攝影機去看靠近的目標
- Nearby targets change directions frequently.經常改變靠近的目標的方向
- Trying to keep up results in flailing around.試著揮動攝影機,保持拍攝目標在鏡頭內。
- Move back or sideways to include targets in the view.攝影機往後移動或側邊拖拉,保持拍攝目標在鏡頭內。
- 地雷#32 : Translating to look at distant targets. 轉換觀看遠處的目標
- Distant targets, on the other hand, will stay roughly the same direction from the avatar.遠處的目標,另一方面,就是與玩家站在同樣差不多的方向
- The further away they are, the further the camera would have to move to account for them.藉由較遠的目標,遠處攝影機可以依據他們做移動。
- The only way to look at the sun is to rotate the camera.只有一個方式看太陽,轉動攝影機。
- 地雷#33: Letting the avatar's own body occlude targets ahead. 讓玩家的身體擋住目標前進。
- If the avatar and the target are both aligned with the horizontal center of the screen, they need to be vertically offset to be able to see both.如果玩家和目標同在一個水平線上,他們需要垂直偏移,使兩者都可以看見。
- A slight bird's eye view usually works fine.些微的鳥瞰通常會有不錯的效果。
- Alternatively, side sideways for a horizontal offset.另一個方式,水平位移。
- 地雷#34 : Giving the player control over the camera and then taking it away.給予玩家完整控制攝影機,卻又把控制權拿回來。
- Hints and rails can provide "default" camera angles, but let the player to override them.Hints 和 rails(程式用語)可以提供"預設"攝影機角度,但讓玩家可以覆蓋它們。
- If you have to take away the player's control, make sure that the camera is already showing what the player needs to see.如果你不讓玩家操作,要確定攝影機已經顯示玩家需要看到的東西。
- 地雷#35 : Immediately applying a hint after the player finished turning the camera to look at something. 玩家完成攝影機轉向看某件事,立刻使用Hint
- If the player intentionally turned to look at something, they probably want to examine it before moving on.玩家有意轉向看某物,他們可能想研究它。
- If there's nothing important, let the camera rest for a moment or until the avatar moves.如果沒有必要,讓攝影機休息片刻(延遲Delay)或等玩家移動再動作。
- 地雷#36 : Not letting exports explore.不讓探險者探索
- Curious and experienced players may want to break the rules and explore a bit more.好奇心和有經驗的玩家,也許不想要遵守規則,只想深入探索。
- Beginners need quidance, but letting exports control the camera lets them choose what matters to them.
- 初學者需要指導,不過要讓玩家控制攝影機,讓他們選擇他們覺得重要的。
- 地雷#37 : Not providing inverted controls. 不提供反向操作
- many players are used to inverted camera controls on one or both axes, and it's hard for them to relearn.許多玩家習慣反向操作攝影機的某一軸到兩軸。(第一人稱遊戲會有)
- Not having the option simply limits your audience.並不是給個選項,就單純限制你的玩家。