Goodbye summer ! The fall is coming. My project is still undergoing !
2016年9月26日 星期一
2016年9月18日 星期日
50 common game camera mistakes -- and how to fix them by John Nesky : 50個常見遊戲攝影機的錯誤 -- 並如何改善by John Nesky _part 3
source from: Video: 50 common game camera mistakes -- and how to fix them
#地雷38 : Responding to accidental controller input.回應突發性的控制輸入
- Journey supports tilting the entire controller to control the camera. But unlike sticks, the tilt has no built-in neutral position.風之旅人提供升降整個攝影機的控制,但並非在中間位置作升降。
- To minimize accidental input, constantly recalibrate the neutral position to adapt to the player's posture.為縮小突發性的輸入,立即的重新校正中間位置,去因應玩家的位置。
- It worked better in Flower because tilting is the *only* thing you do, so you focus on it.這最好在關鍵階段發生,因為升降是唯一你能做的,所以你必須聚焦在這上面。
- #地雷39 : Using Linear sensitivity.使用線型靈敏值
- Analog sticks don't have much range.(如果使用線型)模擬搖桿就沒有太多應用空間。
- To provide more perceived range, use an "S" curve for the sensitivity.為提供更精確的範圍,使用S曲線當作靈敏值。
- Intermediate positions should be significantly less sensitive than extreme positions, allowing players to make small adjustments.中等位置應該要特別少的靈敏值,並少於急劇位置的靈敏反應。讓玩家可以做較細微的調整。
- #地雷40 : Letting the camera pivot drift too far.攝影機的軸心飄移太遠
- Jerky avatar motions can be smoothed out by letting the avatar drift slightly from the center of the screen.可以讓角色在螢幕中心,攝影機緩慢移動(延遲移動),解決忽快忽慢的角色運動。
- But it's easy to let a fast player escape the screen entirely.不過這會讓速度快的角色,整體跑出畫面。
- Limit how far the camera can draft.限制攝影機可以漂移的距離。
- #地雷41 : Using a small field-of-view.使用固定小範圍的視野。
- The more the camera is zoomed in, the faster everything appears to move.大多的攝影機都是拉近,因此物件移動會看起來很快。
- Camera zoom should be turned to fit the environment size and avatar speed.攝影機縮放需要符合場景尺寸和角色速度。
- First-person games often make players feel sick.第一人稱遊戲通常會讓玩家噁心。
- Expanding the field-of-view reduces simulation sickness.擴大視野可以減少動暈。
- #地雷42 : Rapidly shifting field-of-view.頻繁切換視野
- Racing games often change FOV when boosting.賽車遊戲通常在加速時改變視野
- First-person games change FOV when aiming.第一人稱遊戲通常在瞄準時改變視野
- FOV shifts feel like a forward-backward motion, and can be a trigger for simulation sickness. FOV的改變,感覺會像是視覺前進後退的移動,這都是導致動暈噁心的誘因。
- #地雷43 : Shaking the camera.震動攝影機
- "Screen shake" is a popular trick to emphasize impacts.螢幕振動是一種很普遍的技巧,可以增加效果。
- But it's pretty clearly a trigger for simulation sickness.但也容易造成動暈噁心。
- Just provide a feature in the options menu to tone it down.在選單中,也提供一個選項能夠關掉振動。
- #地雷44 : Bouncing the camera with the avatar's walk cycle.攝影機跟隨玩家走路(跑步)循環的起伏。
- The up-and-down camera motion , when not also accompanied with an up-and-down couch motion, is nauseating.攝影機上下位移,沒有配合適當的緩衝動作,也會造成噁心。(這常見在攝影機架在過肩位置的遊戲,這讓遊戲更逼真)
- Also needs a menu option! 所以也需要選單項目可以開關它。
- #地雷45 : Translating or rotating up and down when the avatar jumps.玩家跳躍,會轉變或旋轉上下方向。
- What comes up must come down. 攝影機有升必有降(普遍存在於第三人稱遊戲及橫向卷軸上)
- The camera can ignore 攝影機可以忽視,不必跟隨跳躍。
- #地雷46 : Rapidly transitioning to a new camera position.頻繁轉換新的攝影機位置。
- Yanking the camera isn't much better for sense of direction than a cut, and still trigger simulation sickness.對於方向感而言,突然移動攝影機,不會比切鏡的鏡頭更好,並且也會造成動暈噁心。(遊戲開發者可能遵循不要切鏡頭這個規則太過頭了!)
- If it's a moment when control is taken away from the player, a cut would be perfect.假使攝影機有一會兒的時間無法被玩家控制,這顆鏡頭就完美了。
- #地雷47 : Maintaining pitch speed until hitting the pitch limit.保持間距速度,直到到達間距的極限
- Pitch has upper and lower bounds.間距有上限與下限
- Stopping abruptly at the limit triggers simulation sickness.在限制下突然停止,會引發噁心動暈。
- Decelerate as the camera approaches the limit for a smooth stop.攝影機接近限制速度時,要用降速並平順的停止攝影機。
- #地雷48 : Developing for the Oculus Rift. 研發VR (大家大笑)
- There's a lot of exciting development going on here.這個領域有很多令人興奮的發展
- But I'm very skeptical that the simulation sickness problem will ever go away completely.但我非常懷疑,動暈問題還是會存在著。
- To reach more players, don't make the Oculus Rift mandatory for your game.為吸引更多玩家,別讓遊戲強制使用VR裝置。
- #地雷49 : Testing with a narrow demographic. 用少數人做檢測
- People who already play the type of game you're making won't help you grow your audience.準備想玩你遊戲的玩家,可能無法幫你增加玩家數。
- Children and beginners will point out many design flaws.孩童和新手可以幫你指出許多設計缺陷。
- Ask testers if the game makes them feel sick.詢問測試者遊戲是否會讓他們動暈。
- #地雷50 : Writing a general "constraint solver". 寫一個通用的"限制處理軟體"
- All of these mistakes are part of the iteration process.這些所有缺失都是迭代過程的一部分
- It's a lot easier to iterate on rules that interact in predictable ways.使用可預測且互動的規則,更容易迭代。
- Relying on an optimizing artificial intelligence to figure it out can be unpredictable.依靠最佳化的AI去理出頭緒,可能會變得無法預測。
- It's important to deeply understand the relationships between the constraints.深度了解限制之間的關係,是很重要的。
- : The Devil is in the Details. 惡魔藏在細節裡!
- unfortunately, solutions that work for one game wouldn't work for all. 不幸的,每個遊戲並不會全都用上這些解決方式。
- This list can serve as criteria to help you evaluate how well your solutions work.這張清單,可以當作標準,幫助你優化你的作品。
- But they are not a replacement for testing.但這不代表可以取代測試,還是要找人做測試!
- Good Luck .祝 好運!
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