Learn Screen Fighting (How to film fight scenes PART 2)
Time to learn some Screen Fighting moves for your fight scenes!
Welcome to Part 2 of my breakdown of how to make your own fight scenes and learn fight choreography!
歡迎來到我對如何製作自己的戰鬥場面和學習戰鬥編排的剖析 第二部分
歡迎來到我對如何製作自己的戰鬥場面和學習戰鬥編排的剖析 第二部分
I am writing this series from my personal experiences in the action film industry, as I attempt to breakdown the science of how to make your own fight scene and learn fight choreography!
Part 1 >> How to study Fight Scenes
Part 3 >> Learning basic Fight Moves
Part 1 >> How to study Fight Scenes
Part 3 >> Learning basic Fight Moves
If you missed it, make sure to read the first post in the series, How to study and pick apart Fight Scenes.
Today we will begin learning some actual screen fighting moves that you can take into your own fight choreography practices, and fight scenes!
Disclaimer: Rustic B is a trained professional working in the Hollywood stunt industry. Anything you learn on this blog, that you attempt, is done so at your own risk. Have fun, and stay safe guys!
Bruce Lee vs Kareem Abdul Jabbar in Game of Death (click to watch the fight)
Good fight choreography that impresses time and again, consists of three components; Movement, Distance, and Timing.
Movement includes all of the actual moves you see people performing. In hand-to-hand combat these can be further broken down, into Handwork and Footwork. Below, I’ve made a list of essential, basic movements you will need to learn in order to be able to perform and create your own fight choreography. You will want to learn the correct fighting way to perform these moves, after which we will slightly modify them for fight choreography. Weapons is another key for creating impressive fight scenes, but I will cover these in a future article.
動作 包含確切的行為,你看到演員的表演,在雙手肉搏戰,可以更進一步分出handwork和footwork,以下,我列出根本,基礎運動,你需要學,為的是讓你能表演和創造你自己的戰鬥編排。你會想學習正確的戰鬥方法去表現這些動作,接著我們將會為戰鬥編排稍微修改動作。武器是另一個創造深刻戰鬥場面的關鍵。
動作 包含確切的行為,你看到演員的表演,在雙手肉搏戰,可以更進一步分出handwork和footwork,以下,我列出根本,基礎運動,你需要學,為的是讓你能表演和創造你自己的戰鬥編排。你會想學習正確的戰鬥方法去表現這些動作,接著我們將會為戰鬥編排稍微修改動作。武器是另一個創造深刻戰鬥場面的關鍵。
You don’t need to use any special equipment to learn the moves below. Unless you have access to some pads to practice on, just focus on getting comfortable moving in your own skin. (Look up tutorials for these moves on YouTube for now, I will film some examples in future.)
Handwork (punches, blocks)
– Jab 刺拳 (出拳與前腳同邊)
– Cross 刺拳 (出拳與前腳不同邊)
– Hook 勾拳
– Uppercut 上勾拳
– Blocks for Punches 以拳封拳
– Blocks for Kicks 以拳封腿
– Jab 刺拳 (出拳與前腳同邊)
– Cross 刺拳 (出拳與前腳不同邊)
– Hook 勾拳
– Uppercut 上勾拳
– Blocks for Punches 以拳封拳
– Blocks for Kicks 以拳封腿
Footwork (kicks)
– Roundhouse 回旋踢
– Front 前踢
– Side 側踢
– Hook 勾踢
– Spinning Hook 後旋踢
– Fighting Stances 戰鬥站姿
– Blocks for Kicks 以腿封腿
– Roundhouse 回旋踢
– Front 前踢
– Side 側踢
– Hook 勾踢
– Spinning Hook 後旋踢
– Fighting Stances 戰鬥站姿
– Blocks for Kicks 以腿封腿
Practice in front of a mirror if you can. This advice was given to me by some of the best stunt people in the industry. Perfect the way your moves look and feel to you, as you flow from one to the next. There are some very misleading fight scenes up on youtube today, where the performance has good energy and the camera, edit, and sound are superb..yet the performers look like they’re punching air, wildly swinging, or holding back..a mirror would help these people!
如果可以的話,在鏡子前練習。這個建議也是業界最棒的特技演員給我的。當你一招一招的打出,鏡子可以完美的展現你的動作姿勢和感覺。現今,有一些誤導的戰鬥影片上傳到youtube,表現出有很棒的力量和攝影,剪輯和音效都一流水準,不過這些表演者看起來像打空氣,搖擺不定,或背對 一面鏡子會幫助這些人。
如果可以的話,在鏡子前練習。這個建議也是業界最棒的特技演員給我的。當你一招一招的打出,鏡子可以完美的展現你的動作姿勢和感覺。現今,有一些誤導的戰鬥影片上傳到youtube,表現出有很棒的力量和攝影,剪輯和音效都一流水準,不過這些表演者看起來像打空氣,搖擺不定,或背對 一面鏡子會幫助這些人。
Imagine some targets in the air in front of you, and practice hitting those marks over and over. This skill will be important on the set, where you and your partner’s safety will depend on how much control you have over your body. Even the most messy looking fights you see on the big screen are performed by people who know what they’re doing and are working together to make it “look” messy, while remaining in complete control.
Bruce Lee fought Jackie Chan in Enter the Dragon
String together several moves into combos and practice them with a focus on fluidity while also being light on your feet.
戰鬥編排是一種舞蹈,一場編排的表演伴隨每個人一起工作並回應每個人的距離和時機。“Fight Choreography is a dance, a choreographed performance that comes together when everyone works together and plays off each other’s distance and timing.”
Proper Distance and Timing is the next important key to good screen fighting. The best fighters in the film industry are able to make split-second adjustments in their movements, to adapt to their partner’s style. This comes from working with actors, many of whom aren’t trained in fight choreography, where it becomes the stunt performer’s job to keep their partner safe.
Your knowledge of distance and timing will come with experience, as you work with different types of people and learn which hits sell on camera and which don’t. A good rule of thumb for proper distance and timing in a fight, is if it starts feeling crowded or like you’re going too fast, back up and slow down! Many beginners start crowding the person they’re working with, and the choreography just starts looking bad.
你的距離與時機的知識是辦隨著經驗而來,你和不一樣類型的人工作,並學習在鏡頭前展現拳腳和不展現哪些。對與適當距離和戰鬥時機,最好的法則就是,如果一開始感覺太壅擠或你覺得自己出手太快,後退一步或放慢速度! 許多初學者一開始就推擠同伴,這時編排上就看起來很糟。
你的距離與時機的知識是辦隨著經驗而來,你和不一樣類型的人工作,並學習在鏡頭前展現拳腳和不展現哪些。對與適當距離和戰鬥時機,最好的法則就是,如果一開始感覺太壅擠或你覺得自己出手太快,後退一步或放慢速度! 許多初學者一開始就推擠同伴,這時編排上就看起來很糟。
Don’t rush your movements. Most of the fight scenes I have filmed for Movies and TV were actually performed at 80-90 percent speed. In reality, if you get your movements to look fluid, you can film a fight scene at 70 percent speed and still make it look really good.
Keep your hips at a 45 degree angle to your partner, instead of facing directly at them. Keeping your hips at slightly off center will make your punches/swings look bigger and will allow you to look like you’re moving (while all you’re doing is switching your stances in place to adjust for distance).
The best fighters in the industry can make anyone look good. When your fight practice isn’t going too well, and your partner can’t make the necessary adjustments, remember that you can always change something about your own movements to make the necessary hits sell.
這行業中,最棒的武師可以讓"任何人"看起來很棒 ! 你做的戰鬥演練無法順利演出,你的對手不能做出適當的調整,記住,你總是可以改變你自己的動作去讓它變得必要的攻擊。
這行業中,最棒的武師可以讓"任何人"看起來很棒 ! 你做的戰鬥演練無法順利演出,你的對手不能做出適當的調整,記住,你總是可以改變你自己的動作去讓它變得必要的攻擊。
Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris in Way of the Dragon
Train, Train and Train! It’s time for your screen fighting HOMEWORK!
訓練,訓練 訓練 ! 是時候為你銀幕上的戰鬥做點功課了。
訓練,訓練 訓練 ! 是時候為你銀幕上的戰鬥做點功課了。
Practice the moves I outlined above in front of a mirror! Once you’re comfortable, start practicing some Shadow Boxing
Learn one “extra curricular” move that impresses you. Start thinking on your feet and take one of the moves you’d like to try (from last week’s notes) and research how you can learn it. (I learned almost everything I know from YouTube, it is truly a “modern oracle”.)
Write in your training journal, keep track of which moves you have learned and which you still need to perfect. Start keeping notes of your workouts, this will be an amazing motivational tool!
Find some friends who are interested in learning screen fighting! It can seem impossible (it did so for me), but I assure you that if you look hard enough you will find someone who is down to throw down! Once you have a training buddy, start going through some fight choreography together. Start with some simple combinations of jabs, crosses, hooks, while your partner bobs and weaves around your punches. Also, start thinking of where a hypothetical camera could be filming you from and where the best angle in your mind is to sell your hits.
找一些對銀幕戰鬥有興趣的朋友! 看起來似乎不可能(對我也是)但我確定你找得夠勤快,你會找到可以丟摔的夥伴。一旦你有一起訓練的夥伴,開始一同編排戰鬥,從一些簡單的左刺拳,右刺拳,勾拳。你的夥伴對你的攻擊作閃避和搖擺 。也開始思考假想攝影機的位置,可以拍得到你,然後在你心中那邊是最好的角度,可以把你的攻擊張力表現出來。
Find some friends who are interested in learning screen fighting! It can seem impossible (it did so for me), but I assure you that if you look hard enough you will find someone who is down to throw down! Once you have a training buddy, start going through some fight choreography together. Start with some simple combinations of jabs, crosses, hooks, while your partner bobs and weaves around your punches. Also, start thinking of where a hypothetical camera could be filming you from and where the best angle in your mind is to sell your hits.
找一些對銀幕戰鬥有興趣的朋友! 看起來似乎不可能(對我也是)但我確定你找得夠勤快,你會找到可以丟摔的夥伴。一旦你有一起訓練的夥伴,開始一同編排戰鬥,從一些簡單的左刺拳,右刺拳,勾拳。你的夥伴對你的攻擊作閃避和搖擺 。也開始思考假想攝影機的位置,可以拍得到你,然後在你心中那邊是最好的角度,可以把你的攻擊張力表現出來。
Now get out there, Warm Up, TRAIN HARD, stay safe, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!
> > > Next, learn how to Film realistic Fight Choreography on Camera!
< < < Check out last week's article on How to Study Fight Scenes