So, let's go ahead and start looking !
大家好,今天我要秀一個有關AE LoopExpress的訣竅,相當簡單。好,我們接下看吧!
__0.First, Make a Loop animation
__1.Alt-click the time-Vary stop watch icon. It'll show up the Expression.
__2.Click the play icon. choice Property -> LoopIn ~~~ LoopOut~~. Let's take look them. What are their effect ?
點擊play標示,選擇 Proerty,就會看到Loop系列的Expression.我們看看他們的效果是甚 麼?
LoopIn : 圖中的紅色區域是有作用的,包含Keyframe
__4.LoopOut : It's mean red range is effected by LoopOut, include the keyframes.
LoopOut : 圖中的紅色區域是有作用的,包含Keyframe
__5.LoopInDuration : It's mean red range is effected by LoopInDuration, dose not include the key frame. You can change the value of the duration which should be less than zero.
LoopInDuration : 圖中的紅色區域是有作用的,不包含Keyframe,你可更改Duration的數值, 要小於0.
__6.LoopOutDuration : It's mean red range is effected by LoopOutDuration, dose not include the key frame. You can change the value of the duration which should be less than zero.
LoopOutDuration : 圖中的紅色區域是有作用的,不包含Keyframe,你可更改Duration的數 值, 要小於0.
It's pretty easy, right ? Try it !
很簡單對吧? 試試看吧!